Some Time (For Plants)

Thursday, August 24, 2006


No phone service here for I'm not sure exactly how long. We may have missed some very important calls, plus no internet from home for me. Plus many frustrating calls to and from Verizon. This morning M. & I debated the merits of James Earl Jones coming to our house and either fixing the phone or turning it to the dark side. Tuesday I was home waiting for Verizon and I ran out and signed up for Cingular at their store on Avenue A, though I'm not sure I can afford it.

Last night in frustration, unable to internet, I made a list of hardy perennials from The City Gardener's Handbookby Linda Yang, which is one of 2 plant books I own. (The other one is The Indoor Potted Bulb.) I've been thinking I'd like to plant a hardy perennial now, and give it that spot outside the bathroom window, and hope it blooms in the spring.

Meanwhile, though, the coleus in the tempera-painted pot is in that spot, and it is getting BIG. I'm worried about it getting too big to get through the window, when the time comes to bring it in for winter. I guess I could go out on the fire escape and take it around and through the kitchen window.

I've been wondering if I could hang it near a window, instead of insisting on a window sill. Maybe the kitchen window.

Meanwhile, I went to the Tru-Value at lunchtime today with my list, and they didn't have any of the seeds on it. Oh well, I don't think seeds are their best thing. There's always the place on First Avenue and 6th Street.

Tomorrow is the last day of camp and the kids have not planted the cuttings yet. If they don't tomorrow, I'm going to take them to the park next to the school where camp meets, and pot them myself together with M. and whatever kids are there. (Then what?)

My plan for getting the cuttings out to make room for more hasn't gone so well.


  • Remember, if it's just too big, you can always break off some cuttings and root them and start all over again.

    By Blogger Cyn, at 8:48 PM  

  • I know, but I kind of want to let it grow! Anyway, the concern is it will get too big to bring in through the bathroom window, so that I'll have to stand on the fire escape, which I would have to do to take cuttings anyway.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 11:15 PM  

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